
OliveTin is controlled by a config.yaml file. On startup, it looks for this file in the following locations;

  1. The value specified by the --configdir argument, which defaults to the current working directory (./)

  2. /config/ - Mostly used for containers

  3. /etc/OliveTin/ - this is the recommended directory on Linux for your config.yaml.

The most simple config.yaml would be something like this;

The most simple config.yaml file.
  - title: "Hello world!"
    shell: echo 'Hello World!'

The configuration does not really get more complicated than that. You can of course add more actions, and customize more, but the syntax otherwise extremely simple.

For building up from here, look at the following resources;

  • See the actions documentation for extra examples of what OliveTin could be configured to do.

  • See the action cutomisation documentation to customize how those actions work.

  • See the Solutions documentation for just the essential configuration to achieve popular use cases.

All configuration options are covered in the sollution sections