Fedora Linux (dnf)
Fedora is included in the Fedora Project official repositories. For an overview of versions, see the Package Sources page;
Install using dnf
(or yum, on older versions of Fedora);
user@host: dnf install -y OliveTin
Post installation
You will need to write a basic configuration file before OliveTin will startup.
Create the following basic config file at /etc/OliveTin/config.yaml
with the
following contents;
- title: "Hello world!"
shell: echo 'Hello World!'
Now that you have a configuration file, and OliveTin is installed, start it;
user@host: systemctl enable --now OliveTin
If you are running a firewall on your server, like firewalld, you will need to open port 1337;
user@host: firewall-cmd --add-port 1337/tcp --permanent
user@host: firewall-cmd --reload
You should be able to browse to http://yourserver:1337 (or similar) to get to the web interface.
If you see the OliveTin page popup in your browser, you can jump to the configuration section as the next step.
Troubleshooting systemd installations
If you are having problems, you can check if OliveTin is running like this;
user@host: systemctl status OliveTin
If the service has failed, scroll through the logs;
user@host: journalctl -eu OliveTin
If you cannot understand the logs, or otherwise need help, see the Where to find help page.