Themes (for users)

This page is marked as "earlydoc", which means that it more of a collection of notes and an early draft before this page turns into good documentation later on. It is hoped that this early form of documentation is useful to you, but please understand that most documentation pages are higher quality than this. If you have suggestions or comments, please do get in contact or consider contributing your suggestions to the OliveTin documentation.

Very early version of a theme website:

The custom-webui directory

OliveTin will server a directory called custom-webui at http://yourserver:1337/custom-webui/, this means that all theme content should go into custom-webui/themes.

In the past, OliveTin used to lookup the theme name and send that theme name to your browser so that it could then manually request the theme stylesheet. This approach was slow, it stopped browsers caching, and it caused an awkward "flash" whenever the new theme was loaded. Now, OliveTin internally looks up your theme.css file based on your themeName, and will always serve this theme.css file at http://yourServer:1337/theme.css. If you are not using a custom theme, OliveTin will just serve an empty CSS file.

Install Themes into your custom-webui directory, which should be in your config directory. If this directory does not exist, you can create it.

├── config.yaml
├── custom-webui
│   └── themes
│       └── custom-icons
│           ├── icon.png
│           └── theme.css
├── entities
│   ├── containers.json
│   ├── heating.yaml
│   ├── servers2.yml
│   ├── servers.yaml
│   └── systemd_units.json
└── installation-id.txt

Create your own theme (without any intention of publishing it)

Create a sub-directory under your theme directory (normally /var/www/olivetin/themes) called "mytheme"

Set your theme in your config

themeName: mytheme

Add your css into /var/www/olivetin/themes/mytheme/theme.css

Your theme css will be loaded "on top" of the existing stylesheet.

To test it is working, set your theme CSS to something ridiculous like;

body {
    background-color: red !important;


Create a theme for other people to use

  1. Use this GitHub repository as a template to create your own theme repo:

  2. Fork

  3. Create a directory under "content/posts" called something like "mytheme", and populate, and cover.png.

  4. Raise a pull request back to

  5. Rejoice!