Network ports

OliveTin might suprise some people when they see it is listening on several ports when it starts up. Most of these ports are internal and localhost-only by default. It keeps the architecture of OliveTin clean and simple, and allows for a lot of flexibility if needed.

Here is the default flow of traffic in OliveTin without any config changes.

Figure 8. Flow of an inbound network request
  1. Traffic comes into OliveTin over your network and hits the only port listening - 1337, which listens on all interfaces. This is a micro HTTP reverse proxy.

  2. Traffic for / gets proxied to localhost:1340 for the static web server.

  3. Traffic for /api/ gets proxied to localhost:1338 for REST actions.

  4. The REST API actually makes gRPC API calls internally, to port localhost:1339.

Below is a detailed reference table.

Table 3. Port reference table
Config file reference (and Default Address:Port) Purpose

listenAddressSingleHTTPFrontend: (listen on all available addresses)

This is a "micro reverse proxy" built into OliveTin. It’s only purpose is to serve /ui and / (the web interface) from a single endpoint. This means that problems like CORSs and setting "external addresses" is not necessary. It does not do any caching or anything else. It can be disabled, but it makes life a lot easier for you. It’s common to put your own reverse proxy like haproxy, traefik, etc in front of this single micro reverse proxy.

listenAddressRestActions: localhost:1338

REST - the protocol used by web pages to talk to web APIs. In the case of OliveTin, the API is used to get actions, and start actions.


gRPC - a very popular method of service-to-service API communication. This provides the "real" API for OliveTin.

listenAddressWebUI: localhost:1340

Hosts a simple static web server with some HTML, stylesheets, Javascript etc for the web interface.

listenAddressPrometheus: localhost:1341

Hosts a prometheus endpoint, which is disabled by default. See prometheus to learn more.