Most recent action output

This is considered an advanced and experimental feature at the moment.

The stdout-most-recent-execution view is a way to display the most recent output of an action on a dashboard. This is useful for actions that are run on a schedule, or actions that are run on startup. This is a picture of what it looks like:


To set this up, here is the configuration you need to add to your config.yaml file;

  - title: Get status
    id: status_command
    shell: date
    execOnStartup: true
      - "*/1 * * * *"

  - title: Control Panel
      - title: Status
        type: fieldset
          - type: stdout-most-recent-execution
            title: status_command

Note that the output only refreshes with the browser, not when the button is clicked.

As this is an experimental feature, please look at options for Where to find help if you need help getting it to work.